Friday, November 29, 2019

Behaviors and Theories Essays - Behavior, Psychology,

Behaviors and Theories ECE 313 Donna Thompson Final Paper Karree FahOctober 18, 2010 Behaviors and Theories They are many theories, concepts, and local resources that apply to the early childhood classroom and the child's family. Among these things it also includes behaviors that need to be encouraged in a pre-school setting and at home with parents. In this paper I will hopefully answer the following question: How do educators/parents encourage desired behaviors from pre-school aged children in both the child care and home setting? And I will also list and explain strategies for teaching these behaviors to children and how parents can reinforce these behaviors at home. The five behaviors that I will be discussing that need to be encouraged in the pre-school & home setting are as followed: a. Attachment b. Aggression c. Problem-Solving Skills d. Building Self-help Skills and e. Self-Esteem. Attachment is a lasting emotional relationship that begins to develop in infancy and serves to tie the infant to one or more people in his or her life. Many parents do not realize that the first early attachment sets the tone for a child?s development and defines some of the issues that he or she will carry into adulthood. The strategies for teaching parents how to use behaviors at home for attachment are to stress that attachment contributes to cognitive development in infants. When children feel secure, they are freer to explore the environment around them, and that education is social-emotional development and the basis of that is attachment comes from a synchronous relationship, Behaviors and Theories which grow from a number of synchronous interactions. As a pre-school provider it is important that you express to the parents that children can have attachment to both the parent and the caregiver that it is not a competition , and you must work together to better the child?s education. Encourage the parents to have a vision for the child?s future, just as they have the knowledge of the past. Also you should help the family and also become close to family as well as the child to make sure that the child is not receiving neglect from either source The theorist that was responsible for this was John Bowlby (1969;1973), a researcher noted for his attachment theory. He studied children separated from their parents while in the hospital, which was common practice at the time because children are easier to work with when parents aren?t ?in the way.? Bowlby found that separation from family can be devastating to children?s development and mental health, even if the professional care and me dical procedures take care of their physical problems. He did the classic work on attachment and hospitalization, which made a difference in how doctors and hospitals treat the parent/child relationship today. Medical personnel no longer exclude parents from their children?s presence in the hospital. We know now about attachment and hospitalization; we are still learning about attachment and education. The strategies for teaching parents how to use behaviors at home for Aggression, is to educate them on the behavior of aggression which would include: The child will repeat aggressive behavior if he/she was rewarded for Behavior and Theories this behavior in the past. So be careful as a parent what you reward your child for. Aggression in children could be that the behavior is the result of bottled-up emotions or the behavior might stem from a physical source, or from watching others get what they want through aggression. Aggression can come from an extreme defensiveness. The parent and teacher can help children clarify situations, and explore alternatives to aggression. As parents and teachers we should both show firmness and empathy. And take a problem-solving attitude rather than a power play towards the child?s aggression. Way back in 1975, Barclay Martin reviewed 27 studies on the effects of harsh punishment and concluded that children were likely to store up frustration from being punished and vent it later, using the violence that was used on them. The message regarding avoiding using aggression to deal with aggression is still today. Among behaviors, problem-solving behaviors are a very important one for a child. Learning problem solving techniques will help the child to solve problem though-out his/her lifetime. Strategies for teaching parents how to use behaviors at

Monday, November 25, 2019

Measuring actual performance Essay Example

Measuring actual performance Essay Example Measuring actual performance Essay Measuring actual performance Essay As can be seen from the above diagram, the control process is a three-step process that includes measuring actual performances, comparing actual performances against a standard and taking managerial action to correct deviations or inadequate standards (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, 2006).  Measuring is the first step in the control process and in order to measure the actual performance, Ceylinco Consolidated managers need to acquire information. This can be achieve via personal observations (first hand knowledge and intensive coverage of work activities), statistical reports (effective for showing relationships), oral reports (faster way to get information and allows verbal and non-verbal feedback) and written reports (comprehensive, form and easy to file and retrieve). The second step in the process is comparing and it determines the degree of variation between actual performances and the standard. Any deviation from the acceptance range of variance becomes significant and demands managerial action to remedy it.  The final step in the control process is taking action. This means that the managers can choose to take no action, correct the actual performance or revise the standards. When correcting actual performances, managers can choose either immediate corrective action or basic corrective action. Immediate corrective action corrects problems at once to get performances back on track (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, 2006) and basic corrective action looks at how and why performances have deviated and then proceeds to correct the source of the deviations (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, 2006). Application to the Ceylinco Consolidated Group  This control process is vital for Ceylinco Consolidated as it helps mangers to monitor performances and take corrective action while work is in progress. This is also known as concurrent control and it prevents problems and unethical issues and practices from exacerbating.  Managers will need to decide on efficient ways to measure whether their goals are being met. For example, they can conduct market research, customer, investor and employee satisfaction surveys, ethics audits, periodic ethical reviews of key personnel which ensure that integrity and commitment to the conglomerates ethical philosophy, in order that organisational members pursue ethical practices (Wood Rentschler, 2003). Then they must determine the range of variation that is acceptable to Ceylinco Consolidated and if there are any significant deviations, decide on what course of action to follow (if the managers find that the market research and surveys show no improvement in the perceptions of their stakeholders, they could either take basic or immediate corrective action to rectify the situation). Summary  In summary, Ceylinco Consolidated needs a more effective group approach to decision procedures in the boardroom and an enhanced collective involvement by internal stakeholders (employees) in the organizational decision-making process (Holloway Van Rhyn, 2005). The management functions of planning and controlling play a decisive role in restoring the conglomerates credibility and trust in the eyes of its stakeholders through the implementation of a strong code of ethics, new and effective control procedures. The management function of planning will assist managers is establishing the code of ethics and implementing goals and values to achieve them. Controlling using ethics audits, market surveys and periodical ethical reviews of key employees, screening of potential employees and replacing the current top management with carefully selected persons proven to follow a strong code of ethics will go a long way to improving the companys public image.Replace current management with leaders who have proven their ethical leadership. Replace the current board of directors with a new independent board (one that has no professional or personal ties with the company and its subsidiaries, either current or former) that focuses on monitoring the CEO, Chairman, overseeing the conglomerates strategy and monitors the companys control system, thus preventing further frauds from occurring.  Promote pre-hiring screening tests to ensure ethical practices.  Ã‚  Implementation of legislation like the Sarbannes-Oxley Act in July 2002 aimed at curtailing (misbehaving) senior managers of corporate entities (Holloway Van Rhyn, 2005). References Core Business . (n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2009, from Ceylinco Consolidated: Eye, E. (2009, March 8 Volume 15, No. 35). Swindlers List. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from The Sunday Leader Online Edition: Harrison, E. F. (1996, Volume 34 Issue 1). A Process Perspective On Strategic Decision Making. Management Decision , p. 46. Holloway, D. A., Van Rhyn, D. (2005, Volume 11). Effective Corporate Governance Reform and Organisational Pluralism: Reframing Culture, Leadership and Followership. Advances in Public Interest Accounting .

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Masculinities represented in music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Masculinities represented in music - Essay Example In brief, a person is either male or female. The latter wholly defines sex as a noun as seen in the society. Gender, in simpler terms, is the state of being either of the two sexes. Masculinity comes in as an attribute of male sexuality. It is the male attribute whose representation in the film industry forms the discussion in the following discourse. Masculinity is not only part of a dualistic gender but under a broader spectrum is what every man is seen to contain that gives rise to that unique manly identity that defines his social and daily life. According to the argument put forward by constructionist , masculinity is constantly changing. This is in tandem with how these changes relate to the wider society. In reference to the argument fronted above, masculinity entails both the aspect of homosexuality as well as heterosexuality. However, according to conservative traditions, masculinity is an attribute of heterosexuality. It is a common belief that for one's masculinity to be c omplete there has to be an attraction to a feminine being. This is the heterosexuality matrix. Basically, this means that for any person to be considered as heterosexual, one must instinctively exhibit attraction to persons who are of the opposite gender. This is the overriding notion in conventional societies which are part of the norms or even trends that a majority in such societies rightly conforms to. The theory on heterosexuality therefore cuts off gay men as masculine. The act of penetration during sex is considered masculine hence the penetrated man is seen as feminine. Having that as an arguable fact also makes the fact that in a lesbian couple, there is a masculine female who is attracted and receives pleasure from penetrating and being in charge of another female. Sexuality complicates gender and the motion on proving masculinity in homosexuals has been continuing for a while. In order for one to understand the masculinity in gender one has to understand the stereotypes i n it as well. In the society, dominance and power sharing is also a factor in the determination of masculinity according to the sexes. Due to the masculine stereotype being portrayed as more dominant to the feminine stereotype, the society tends to respect it and admire it. The media and sports alike have had an effect from this stereotype. Femininity is generally weaker and less influential and mostly for pleasure by masculinity. The society itself shows the difference between masculinity and femininity with practices that are in everyday life. A man, for example, gets a two week maternity leave while a lady gets a twelve week maternity leave. A man generally gets a higher pay as opposed to a female in the same line of work. Women are responsible for domestic development and are the guardians to their homes while the man is the provider. Ladies are more scared and prone to hurt from simple threats as opposed to men. Until recently, the army was a man-only job while the women nursed and tended to the injured. Gender has a way of stereotyping certain activities in the society to fit the roles of the sexes. Modernity tries to beat the role of gender in stereotyping but it fails terribly due to the culture associated with the sexes. Some men feel less satisfied by some jobs they do due to the belief of femininity in them. A man, for example, feels unsatisfied as a nurse a job associated with serving which is feminine in nature. The struggle

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Summary and Reactions to the book Black Like Me, Author - John Howard Essay

Summary and Reactions to the book Black Like Me, Author - John Howard Griffin - Essay Example In the book, Griffin explains how he came up with his idea to try living like a black man for a while as a means of trying to understand how their lives are affected by racism and prejudice in the 1959-1960 South. He does this by presenting the material as a journal entry, allowing his thought process to flow, finally leading to the conclusion that you can never know another man unless you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. The first ‘chapter’ is presented as an introduction to the idea, the mechanics involved in putting it into motion and his arrival in New Orleans where he plans to make his transformation, but it ends before the transformation starts as he is still enjoying the comforts and fine lifestyle of the white man in the city. The second chapter outlines his change and his first experiences as a black man before he’s even become one. This is in the form of his doctor’s comments about the ‘nature’ of the black man as inherently viol ent the darker they are. When he first sees himself as a black man, he panics and feels like he isn’t himself anymore and this is somewhat verified as he is no longer able to do the kinds of things he was used to doing as a white man. The only positive difference he discovers is that the black people treat him better. Although he discovers an entirely different world in New Orleans, he learns about how much more difficult things are for blacks in Mississippi and decides that he needs to go there to understand the dynamics of what is going on. There are so many experiences in the various chapters that it is impossible to list them all, but Griffin, in his journeys, discovers that the problem of racism isn’t just with the ignorant white people of the countryside, but that it rests more squarely on the shoulders of the educated white men that continue to create laws that make it possible for racism to continue. In

Monday, November 18, 2019

Market Segment Analysis (Individual) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Market Segment Analysis (Individual) - Essay Example Porsche is a German automobile brand founded by Ferdinand Porsche in 1931. The organization’s headquarter is in Stuttgart, Germany. However, it is equally popular in all parts of the world for its futuristic car designs and superior performance on-track (Porsche Automobile Holding, 2014). Porsche is popular all around the world and has established a statue of luxury sporting car. The major reason behind massive demand for Porsche is its car designs, luxury, comfort and prestige attached with those who are driving a Porsche. Customers of Porsche do not belong only to the elite class, but it is equally popular among sports car lovers of all age. Porsche major segmentation strategy is explained as following: This segment of Porsche Automobile generates around 27% of the company’s revenue. The consumers of Porsche belonging to this segment prefer a car with superior performance on the track, which motivates them to work even harder to achieve the best and allows complete control on the transmission and drive. Top Guns are also self-obsessed, and they want to show-off so that people can notice them which support the assertion that these customers are status conscious. Top Guns are proud of their success and tell their success stories to everyone so that they can be appreciated (Huffman, Rayess, Habib, & Mitchell, 2012). These are the customers who are passionate about owning the world’s best sports car and are intrinsically motivated towards experiencing new adventures in their lives. For this reason, they select a car which thrills them with its speed and power. Bon Vivant segment is currently generating 17% of Porsche’s total revenues and is considered as being a lucrative segment in the near future. These customers mostly live in urban areas and have the tendency to influence attitudes and behaviors of people in their surrounding (Richardson, 2004). Elitists segment of Porsche Automobile

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Phase Model of Globalization

Phase Model of Globalization The intention of this paper is to give an outline of the stages in the phase model of globalisation. It will talk about each of the four stages and some associated advantages and disadvantages with each. Also this paper will be looking at companies within Australia that represent each of the stages in the phase model. Introduction Globalisation is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. (StateUniversityofNewYork)Globalisation is a defining word of our age and the way in which we live; globalisation affects people, companies, their workforce and consumers. It affects all aspects, not just of the corporate world, but transactional and cultural relationships generally and so affects how we live and how we interact, no matter where we live (Stanley J. Paliwoda 2009). Globalisation has been accelerated by falling trade barriers, the spread of free trade and trade harmonisation in an electronic age, bringing a reduction in the bureaucracy surrounding international trade and increased speed to the way in which communications relay changes anywhere in the world (Stanley J. Paliwoda 2009). There are four stages in the phase model of globalisation they are Export ing, Cooperative contracts, Strategic alliances and Wholly owned affiliates (McWilliams 2010). In the following paper all four stages will be analysed and using Australian companies who operate at each stage the risks and major disadvantages will be identified and outlined. Body With todayà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s more and more globalised world the yearly value of global trade in the form of exports and imports is expected to exceed $12 trillion. In most recent years world trade has consistently grown at a more rapid rate than world productivity (BusinessVictoria 2008). The term export is derived from the conceptual meaning as to ship the goods and services out of the port of a country, in summary it means selling domestically produced products to customers in foreign countries (McWilliams 2010) the main risks with exporting are high financial costs, ever increasing trade barriers, and greater political, legal and cultural complexity. An example of an Australian company that uses exporting is the iconic Australian swimwear brand Speedo who export their items to countries such as UK, Japan, France, Italy and Germany (Speedo 2010), also many other well known Australian fashion designers such as Lisa Ho, sass bide and Ksubi (AustralianGovernment 2010 ) have increased the exportation of their designs and lines internationally over the past decade. The next phase in the model is known as cooperative contracts and it comprises of two commonly used types; Licensing and Franchising. Licensing is an agreement in which a domestic company, the licensor, receives royalty payments for allowing another company, the licensee, to produce the licensorà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s product, sell its service or use its brand name in a specified foreign market (McWilliams 2010). The use of licensing in industry can open up gaps for risks to occur, such as the licensor giving up control over the quality of the product or the service sold by the foreign licensee also licensees can eventually become competitors, especially when a licensing agreement includes access to important technology or proprietary knowledge. In Australia Telstra is a main company which is using licensee stores, the Telstra Licensed shops (Telstra 2010) can be located in all major cities and shopping centres. A business or company also has the option of franchising; th is is a collection of networked firms in which the manufacturer or marketer of a product or service, the franchisor, licences the entire business to another person or organisation, the franchisee (McWilliams 2010). Compared to licensing its risks are more numerous; at the end of the franchise term, the franchisor is not obliged to renew the franchise, in which case the business and its goodwill revert to the franchisor. Some franchises have restrictions in place which means you are limited where you may operate and/or promote your business; franchisees generally have to operate the business according to the franchisors operations manual. In Australia we have many well known franchised companies one being The Coffee Club which has 270 stores across Australia, New Zealand and Thailand (Reed 2010)and the popular chain of Healthy Habits which now has 32 stores nationally (Reed 2010) The Strategic alliance phase is an agreement in which companies combine key resources, costs, risk, technology and people (McWilliams 2010). Strategic alliances are becoming more and more prominent in the global economy, more than 20,000 corporate alliances have been formed worldwide over the past two years, and the number of alliances in the USA has grown by 25 percent each year since 1987 (Elmuti and Kathawala 2001). There are four types of strategic alliances; joint ventures, equity strategic alliance, non-equity strategic alliance, and global strategic alliances. The most common form of strategic alliance is joint ventures which involve two or more companies or individuals in a partnership for a particular purpose (Bambi Faivre Walters 2008-2010). The more valuable the complementary assets held by a local firm, the more likely a foreign firm will choose a joint venture as a means by which to enter a host market (Chiao, Lo et al. 2006). Some major disadvantages with this stage are ; the overcoming of language and cultural barriers, clash of egos and company cultures, dealing with conflicting objectives, strategies, corporate values, and ethical standards and the time consuming for managers in terms of communication, trust-building, and coordination costs (Ellay 2009). A recent joint venture was the merger of Vodaphone and 3 mobile who now fall under the joint company of VHA. VHA markets its products and services under the Vodafone brand, but retains exclusive rights to use the 3 brand in Australia (Gedda 2009) Wholly owned affiliates is the final phase in the model, these companies are foreign offices, facilities and manufacturing plants that are 100% owned by the parent company (McWilliams 2010). There is a distinct primary advantage to this which is that the parent company receives all of the profits and has complete control over the foreign facilities, but the biggest disadvantage to the use of this phase in business is the expense of building new operations or buying existing businesses, this is phase is also commonly referred to as build or buy. In situations of non-firm-specific assets, joint ventures are superior to wholly-owned subsidiaries, which are highly exposed to environmental uncertainty. In situations involving firm-specific assets, wholly-owned subsidiaries may reduce the risks of delay and opportunistic behaviour by partners in uncertain environment (Chiao, Lo et al. 2006). Mitsui EP Australia Pty Ltd (MEPAU) is an example of Australian company that is wholly owned affili ates. It is a 100% affiliated company of Mitsui Co., Ltd and Mitsuià ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s main investments are largely in the Australian and New Zealand energy sector (Mitsui 2010). While the payoff can be enormous if wholly owned affiliates succeed, the losses can be immense if they fail, because the parent company assumes all of the risk (McWilliams 2010) Conclusion In summary, all of the four stages in the phase model of globalisation have immense impact on how businesses and companies evolve through time. Some businesses may choose not to follow the phase model step by step, they can opt to skip stages on the way; there are also a majority of businesses choosing not to follow this phase model at all (McWilliams 2010). At first, globalisation was about taking advantage of minor expenses in offshore destinations, but now thriving globalisers recognise the additional major advantages to this and are taking on these advantages, where unsuccessful organisations are not. Each stage or phase of the model inherent its own levels of risks; but to make sure there is successful implementation of these phases requires conscientious planning, and also requires continuing management, and strong dedication from the business and organisation leaders.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Images and Imagery in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- GCSE English Lite

Imagery in Macbeth     Ã‚     In Shakespeare's tragic play, Macbeth, the use of imagery is connected with character development as well as theme throughout the play.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the beginning of the play the image of darkness is introduced.   Darkness was called upon by Banquo, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.   Banquo, in his aside to Macbeth says,    But tis strange and oftentimes, to win us to our harm, /the instruments of darkness tell us truths, /win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence (I.ii.131-135).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Banquo shows he is immediately aware that the witches are associated with darkness. He chooses not to act on the witches' prophecies, but to be wary and reluctant.   He is not ready to involve himself with the witches, since he sees them as a dark force.   However, Macbeth is on opportunist and the image of darkness reveals his deepest, darkest desires.   This is shown in Macbeth's aside,    The Prince of Cumberland!   that is a step/ On which I must fall down or else o'ver-leap, / For in my way it lies.   Stars, hide your fires;/ Let not light see my black and deep desires" (I.iv.55-58).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It becomes apparent that it bothered Macbeth a great deal to hear that Malcolm was named successor to King Duncan.   In response, Macbeth calls on darkness to hide his evil thoughts.   Lady Macbeth also conjures up the forces of darkness to ensure the heavens don't see her having these thoughts,    Come, thick night, /And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, /That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, / N'or heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, /To cry, "Hold, hold" (I.v.53-57!      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By the end of Act I, we can see that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have... fit in and was never comfortable with a role he obtained by evil means.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare's images are not only connected to his characters and theme but also are woven into a moral message.   Shakespeare is warning his audience to refrain from getting caught up in the pool of blood and darkness. One will never be satisfied with his achievements if he obtains them by unholy means.   Self-gratification comes from the honest pursuit of worthwhile goals.      Works Cited Shakespeare, William, Macbeth, Toronto: Harcourt Brace and Company, Inc, 1988. Webster, Noah, New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language, New York: Rockville House Publishers, Inc, 1965. "Shakespeare's Use of Imagery." 1997: 1-4. Prestige Web. Internet. 10 Dec. 2001. "Symbolism in Macbeth." 1996: 1-3. Stanford Online Archives. Internet. 10 Dec. 2001.   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Why Video Games Can Be Educational, by You

Over the years video games have been proven to increase addiction to staying inside, along with increased aggression, and various medical and psychosocial effects. However there are many positive aspects to playing video games. Research dating back to the early 1980s has consistently shown that playing computer games (of different genre) produces reductions in reaction times, improved hand-eye co-ordination and raises the player’s self-esteem.Let’s explore into some of these aspects and arguments to determine the ultimate decision on whether video games can help your education. Video games might consume the attention and time of your children, but it is important to remember that technology has and will forever have an impact on childhood as we progress further into scientific research. Here are some things that video games can do well for your children’s health. Video games can be used to research new things.Video games can attract participation by individuals a cross many boundaries Video games can assist your child in making/and completing goals. Video games can be useful by measuring performance on a wide variety of tasks That is some info on what video games can do well for your child, now let’s see explore the possibilities of bad things that can come from this. Over-dependence on video games could foster social isolation, as they are often played alone.Practicing violent acts may contribute more to aggressive behavior than watching TV Many games only offer an arena of weapons, killings, kicking, stabbing and shooting. Most game portray a â€Å"be the most violent† to win scheme. After reading over all of those aspects and points made you are probably leading to think that they are going to do more damage to your child if you let them play video games rather than if you don’t. Sadly I cannot agree with you there and I am trying my best to make you believe that they can do more good than bad.If you are not convinced yet all the evidence points to them being more educational than harmful. Video games are frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, some education experts think that these games corrupt the brain. Video games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skills that they will need in the future. When your child plays video games, it gives his brain a real workout. In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and high level thinking. These skills are not even taught at school.In most video games you can’t just roam around doing whatever you please. Most of them involve a common goal such as following instructions or problem solving and logic. Even if you make the decision to let your children play some of the more violent video games, they will be focused more on winning then killing and getting blood lust out of it. That was my argument on why video games do better than they do worse. I hope you agree with me now and enjoyed learning the facts abou t this topic. ï » ¿Why Video Games Can Be Educational, by You Over the years video games have been proven to increase addiction to staying inside, along with increased aggression, and various medical and psychosocial effects. However there are many positive aspects to playing video games. Research dating back to the early 1980s has consistently shown that playing computer games (of different genre) produces reductions in reaction times, improved hand-eye co-ordination and raises the player’s self-esteem.Let’s explore into some of these aspects and arguments to determine the ultimate decision on whether video games can help your education. Video games might consume the attention and time of your children, but it is important to remember that technology has and will forever have an impact on childhood as we progress further into scientific research. Here are some things that video games can do well for your children’s health. Video games can be used to research new things.Video games can attract participation by individuals a cross many boundaries Video games can assist your child in making/and completing goals. Video games can be useful by measuring performance on a wide variety of tasks That is some info on what video games can do well for your child, now let’s see explore the possibilities of bad things that can come from this. Over-dependence on video games could foster social isolation, as they are often played alone.Practicing violent acts may contribute more to aggressive behavior than watching TV Many games only offer an arena of weapons, killings, kicking, stabbing and shooting. Most game portray a â€Å"be the most violent† to win scheme. After reading over all of those aspects and points made you are probably leading to think that they are going to do more damage to your child if you let them play video games rather than if you don’t. Sadly I cannot agree with you there and I am trying my best to make you believe that they can do more good than bad.If you are not convinced yet all the evidence points to them being more educational than harmful. Video games are frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, some education experts think that these games corrupt the brain. Video games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skills that they will need in the future. When your child plays video games, it gives his brain a real workout. In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and high level thinking. These skills are not even taught at school.In most video games you can’t just roam around doing whatever you please. Most of them involve a common goal such as following instructions or problem solving and logic. Even if you make the decision to let your children play some of the more violent video games, they will be focused more on winning then killing and getting blood lust out of it. That was my argument on why video games do better than they do worse. I hope you agree with me now and enjoyed learning the facts abou t this topic.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Anne of York, Sister of Two English Kings

Anne of York, Sister of Two English Kings Anne of York Facts Known for: sister of British kings Richard III and Edward IV; she was given control of her first husbands land and titles when he was defeated fighting against Annes brother, King Edward IV. She had ties to the houses of York and Lancaster, the protagonists in the Wars of the Roses.Dates: August 10, 1439 - January 14, 1476Also known as: Duchess of Exeter Background, Family: Mother: Cecily Neville (1411 - 1495), daughter of Ralph, earl of Westmoreland, and his second wife, Joan Beaufort. Joan was a legitimized daughter of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster and a son of King Edward III of England, by Katherine Swynford, whom John married after their children were born. Isabel Neville and Anne Neville, married to Anne of Yorks brothers, were great nieces of Cecily Neville and first cousins once removed to Anne of York and her brothers. Father: Richard, third duke of York (1411 - 1460), son of Richard of Conisbrough, fourth earl of Cambridge and Anne Mortimer, daughter of Roger Mortimer, fourth earl of March. Richard of Conisbrough was the son of Edmund of Langley, the first duke of York, who was the fourth son of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault.Anne Mortimer was the great granddaughter of Lionel of Antwerp, duke of Clarence, who was the second son of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault. In 1460, Annes father, Richard of York, attempted to take the throne from the Lancastrian Henry VI, based on this ancestry. He reached an agreement with Henry that he would succeed Henry, but shortly after was killed at the battle of Wakefield. His son Edward IV succeeded in March 1461 in toppling Henry VI on the basis of this same claim. Siblings: Joan of York (died in childhood)Henry of York (died in childhood)Edward IV of England (1442 - 1483)Edmund, Earl of Rutland (1443 - 1460)Elizabeth of York (1444 - about 1503), married John de la Pole, duke of Suffolk, who had first been married briefly, before the marriage contract  was dissolved, to Margaret Beaufort (age one or three at the time of the marriage)Margaret of York (1446 - 1503), married Charles the Bold of BurgundyWilliam of York (died in childhood)John of York (died in childhood)George, Duke of Clarence (1449 - 1478), married to Isabel Neville, sister of Anne Neville, Richard IIIs queen consortThomas of York (died in childhood)Richard III of England (1452 - 1485), married to Anne Neville, whose first husband was Edward, Prince of Wales, son of Henry VI of EnglandUrsula of York (died in childhood) Marriage, Children: First husband: Henry Holland, third duke of Exeter (1430 - 1475). Married 1447. Holland was an ally of the Lancastrians, and was a commander at Wakefield, St. Albans and the Battle of Towton. He fled to exile after the defeat at Towton. When Annes brother Edward became king, Edward gave control of Hollands estates to Anne. They formally separated in 1464 and divorced in 1472. Anne of York and Henry Holland had one child, a daughter: Anne Holland (about 1455 - between 1467 and 1474). Married Thomas Grey, first marquess of Dorset and son of Elizabeth Woodville, Edward IVs wife, by her first husband. When Edward gave control of Hollands estates to Anne of York, the estates were to go to Anne Hollands heirs. But Anne Holland died without any children. Second husband: Thomas St. Leger (about 1440 - 1483). Married 1474. Anne of York died of complications after childbirth at age 36, after bearing her only child by St. Leger, another daughter: Anne St. Leger (January 14, 1476 - April 21, 1526). Anne St. Legers heirs inherited, by an Act of Parliament in 1483, the Exeter estates which had been seized on her mothers behalf from her mothers first husband. That Act gave a part of the inheritance to Richard Grey, one of Elizabeth Woodvilles sons by her first marriage. Anne St. Leger was promised in marriage to Thomas Grey, a grandson of Elizabeth Woodville as well as the son of the widower of Anne St. Legers half-sister, Anne Holland. Anne St. Leger eventually married, instead, George Manners, twelfth baron de Ros.Among Anne St. Legers descendants was Diana, Princess of Wales. In 2012, remains thought to be those of Anne of Yorks brother, King Richard III, were discovered in Leicester; maternal line descendents of Anne of York through Anne St. Leger were used to test DNA and confirm the identity of the remains as those of the king who had died in battle. More About Anne of York: Anne of York was the older sister of two English kings, Edward IV and Richard III. Annes first husband, Henry Holland, duke of Exeter, fought successfully on the side of the Lancastrians against Annes York family at the battle of Wakefield, where Annes father and brother Edmund were killed. Holland was on the losing side at the Battle of Towton, and fled to exile, and his lands were seized by Edward IV. In 1460, Edward IV granted Anne of York her husbands lands, which were to be inherited through her daughter by Holland. That daughter, Anne Holland, was married to one of the sons of Edwards queen, Elizabeth Woodville, by her first husband, further tying the familys fortunes to the York side in the Wars of the Roses. Anne Holland died, childless, sometime after this marriage in 1466 and before 1474, at which time her husband remarried. Anne Holland was between 10 and 19 years old at her death. Anne of York had separated from Henry Holland in 1464 and obtained a divorce in 1472. Amendments before 1472 to Anne of Yorks title to the lands of her first husband made clear that the title and lands would proceed to any of Annes future children, so she may have already begun another relationship before her marriage in 1474 to Thomas St. Leger. Henry Holland drowned after falling overboard from a ship in 1475; rumors were that King Edward had ordered his death. In late 1475, Anne of York and Thomas St. Legers daughter, Anne St. Leger, was born. Anne of York died in January, 1476, of complications of the childbirth. Anne of Yorks Daughter, Anne St. Leger Anne St. Leger, at sixteen weeks old, was already contracted in marriage to Thomas Grey, who was a grandson of Elizabeth Woodville and the son of Anne St. Legers half-sisters widower. Edward IV won an Act of Parliament in 1483 declaring Anne St. Leger the heiress of the Exeter estate and titles, with some of the estate also passing to Richard Grey, another of Elizabeth Woodvilles sons from her first marriage. This Act of Parliament was unpopular with the public, one more example of the favors given to Elizabeth Woodvilles family, and may have contributed to Edward IVs downfall. Anne St. Leger, Anne of Yorks only surviving daughter, never married Thomas Grey. When her uncle, Richard III, ovrthrew her other uncle, Edward IV, he tried to marry Anne St. Leger to Henry Stafford, duke of Buckingham. There were also rumors he wanted to marry Anne to his own son, Edward. Thomas St. Leger took part in a rebellion against Richard III. When that failed, he was captured and executed in November, 1483. After the defeat of Richard III and accession of Henry VII, Anne St. Leger married George Manners, twelfth baron de Ros. They had eleven children. Five of the daughters and one of the sons married. Another Anne of York A niece of Anne of York, the daughter of Annes brother Edward IV, was also called Anne of York. The younger Anne of York was the countess of Surrey and lived from 1475 to 1511. She married Thomas Howard, third duke of Norfolk. Anne of York, countess of Surrey, took part in the christenings of her nephew, Arthur Tudor, and of her niece, Margaret Tudor, children of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. The children of Anne of York, countess of Surrey, all predeceased her.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Definition and Examples of Critical Thinking

Definition and Examples of Critical Thinking Critical thinking is the process of independently analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information as a guide to behavior and beliefs. The American Philosophical Association has defined critical thinking as the process of purposeful, self-regulatory judgment. The process gives reasoned consideration to evidence, contexts, conceptualizations, methods, and criteria (1990). Critical thinking is sometimes broadly defined as thinking about thinking. Critical thinking skills include the ability to interpret, verify, and reason, all of which involve applying the principles of logic. The process of using critical thinking to guide writing is called critical writing. Observations Critical Thinking is essential as a tool of inquiry. As such, Critical Thinking is a liberating force in education and a powerful resource in one’s personal and civic life. While not synonymous with good thinking, Critical Thinking is a pervasive and self-rectifying human phenomenon. The ideal critical thinker is habitually inquisitive, well-informed, trustful of reason, open-minded, flexible, fair-minded in evaluation, honest in facing personal biases, prudent in making judgments, willing to reconsider, clear about issues, orderly in complex matters, diligent in seeking relevant information, reasonable in the selection of criteria, focused in inquiry, and persistent in seeking results which are as precise as the subject and the circumstances of inquiry permit.(American Philosophical Association, Consensus Statement Regarding Critical Thinking, 1990)Thought and LanguageIn order to understand reasoning [...], it is necessary to pay careful attention to the relationship between thought and language. The relationship seems to be straightforward: thought is expressed in and through language. But this claim, while true, is an oversimplification. People often fail to say what they mean. Everyone has had the experience of having their \ misunderstood by others. And we all use words not merely to express our thoughts but also to shape them. Developing our critical thinking skills, therefore, requires an understanding of the ways in which words can (and often fail to) express our thoughts.(William Hughes and Jonathan Lavery, Critical Thinking: An Introduction to the Basic Skills, 4th ed. Broadview, 2004) Dispositions That Foster or Impede Critical thinkingDispositions that foster critical thinking include [a] facility in perceiving irony, ambiguity, and multiplicity of meanings or points of view; the development of open-mindedness, autonomous thought, and reciprocity (Piagets term for the ability to empathize with other individuals, social groups, nationalities, ideologies, etc.). Dispositions that act as impediments to critical thinking include defense mechanisms (such as absolutism or primary certitude, denial, projection), culturally conditioned assumptions, authoritarianism, egocentrism, and ethnocentrism, rationalization, compartmentalization, stereotyping and prejudice.(Donald Lazere, Invention, Critical Thinking, and the Analysis of Political Rhetoric. Perspectives on Rhetorical Invention, ed. by Janet M. Atwill and Janice M. Lauer. University of Tennessee Press, 2002)Critical Thinking and Composing- [T]he most intensive and demanding tool for eliciting sustained critical thou ght  is a well-designed writing assignment on a subject matter problem. The underlying premise is that writing is closely linked with thinking and that in presenting students with significant problems to write about- and in creating an environment that demands their best writing- we can promote their general cognitive and intellectual growth. When we make students struggle with their writing, we are making them struggle with thought itself. Emphasizing writing and critical thinking, therefore, generally increases the academic rigor of a course. Often the struggle of writing, linked as it is to the struggle of thinking and to the growth of a persons intellectual powers, awakens students to the real nature of learning.(John C. Bean,  Engaging Ideas: The Professors Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical  Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom, 2nd ed. Wiley, 2011)- Finding a fresh approach to a writing assignment means that you must see the subject without the blinders of preconception. When people expect to see a thing in a certain way, it usually appears that way, whether or not that is its true image. Similarly, thinking based on prefabricated ideas produces writing that says nothing new, that offers nothing important to the reader. As a writer, you have a responsibility to go beyond the expected views and present your subject so that the reader sees it with fresh eyes. . . .[C]ritical thinking is a fairly systematic method of defining a problem and synthesizing knowledge about it, thereby creating the perspective you need to develop new ideas. . . .Classical rhetoricians used a series of three questions to help focus an argument. Today these questions can still help writers understand the topic about which they are writing. An sit? (Is the problem a fact?); Quid sit (What is the definition of the problem?); and Quale sit? (What kind of problem is it?). By asking these questions, writers see their subject from many new angles before they begin to narrow the focus to one particular aspect.(Kristin R. Woolever, About Writing: A Rhetoric for Advanced Writers. Wadsworth, 1991) Logical Fallacies Ad Hominem Ad Misericordiam Amphiboly Appeal to Authority Appeal to Force Appeal to Humor Appeal to Ignorance Appeal to the People Bandwagon Begging the Question Circular Argument Complex Question Contradictory Premises Dicto Simpliciter, Equivocation False Analogy False Dilemma Gamblers Fallacy Hasty Generalization Name-Calling Non Sequitur Paralepsis Poisoning the Well Post Hoc Red Herring Slippery Slope Stacking the Deck Straw Man Tu Quoque

Monday, November 4, 2019

Why is Walmart considered to be a channel captain Essay

Why is Walmart considered to be a channel captain - Essay Example Walmart is also a channel captain because it has been in the industry for a long time now. It is well aware of the vendors, inventory, resources, cost-effective yet efficient means of transport, and the ever-changing expectations of the consumers with respect to creativity and innovation. Walmart is capable of utilizing this experience to invest in profitable plans. â€Å"With the rise in power of national chain stores and private-brand merchandise, many large retailers such as Wal-Mart are taking a leadership role in the channel† (Pride and Ferrell 403). Walmart knows how to get quality products made that provide value to the consumers while keeping the costs low so as to not only make good profit but also keep the consumers satisfied. To summarize, Walmart is a channel captain because of its huge number of outlets spread all over the world, its strong image as a cheap and well-equipped retailer, and its high purchasing

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Skin problems related to makeup Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Skin problems related to makeup - Essay Example Firstly, with regards to the use of makeup and the clogging of pores, this has an unhealthy affect for a number of reasons. First, due to the fact that the pores of the skin are the means whereby the skin is able to be moisturized and â€Å"breath†, clogging the pores has a negative affect not only on the health of the skin but on the aging process (Streamlining Beauty 88). Without being able to deliver the necessary moisture and oils to the surface, the aging process takes place at a faster rate as the skin loses its ability to be elastic and stretch. In such a way, even though the application of makeup is intended to make the skin more beautiful, as can be seen from the preceding discussion, it can actually have a diminishing return over time. As a means of understanding these determinants, ti is the hope of this author that the reader will be able to integrate a further and more complete understanding of makeup and its effects on skin health. ... The final health impact that makeup can have is related to allergic reactions on the part of the user. Although there is no way that any product can be made allergen free, by very nature of the diverse allergies that are exhibited by individuals, the fact of the matter is that many individuals are allergic to many of the thickening agents or minerals that are found within the common forms of makeup that are on the market today (Levy & Emer 175). Moreover, depending on the quality of the product, there are certain degrees of impurities that can be found within these products to a varying degree. As a function of this, the levels of pure ingredients that are interacting with the skin of an individual’s face are oftentimes unknown (Gray & Boothroyd 66). Due to the fragility and tender level of the skin that is exhibited on the face, as well as the fact that there are at least 7 orifices in the immediate vicinity, this is an especially worrisome point. As a function of these parti cular issues, the reader can understand that many of the negative skin health issues related to makeup are concentric around the overall cleanliness of the skin and/or the ability and desire of the individual user to ensure that they remove all makeup each and every night prior to going to bed. If this is engaged, the level and extent to which the pores will be clogged and the acne levels will increase will be reduced precipitously. However, with regards to the final issue that has been raised, the allergic reactions that many users experience when using makeup, this is not something that can be prevented or reduced. Ultimately, such a skin health issue is entirely dependent upon the environmental factors that determined the individuals